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Bliss Book Two: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (The Bliss Series 2) Page 4

  “I’m so sorry, Hunter. I know how much this project meant to you,” Yasmin empathized.

  “Me too. I’ve got to go. I’ll see you later,” he said.

  “Bye,” Yasmin murmured as he disconnected. Yasmin looked at Renee in despair.

  “What happened?” Renee asked anxiously. Yasmin explained. Renee was appalled.

  “That’s horrible. What kind of lowlife would steal from kids? Those computers were earmarked for children in need,” Renee exclaimed.

  They were silent for a moment then they looked at each other in disbelief as a horrific possibility dawned. “No! He wouldn’t,” Yasmin whispered.

  “I believe he would,” Renee replied. “He has vowed vengeance on Hunter. What better way to hurt him?”

  “But is he done? Ryan knows that Hunter will go to the warehouse. What if he has something else planned to hurt Hunter? I have to warn Hunter,” Yasmin cried.

  Renee was speechless. She knew that Ryan was not in his right mind. She couldn’t say that Ryan wasn’t behind the theft or that he wouldn’t do something to hurt Hunter.

  “I’ll go with you,” Renee said.

  The women rushed to put on their coats and ran from the house. Renee drove as Yasmin was in no emotional condition to do so. They arrived at the warehouse in record time and hurried from the car. The police had secured the area with yellow tape and were not allowing anyone to pass through.

  “I need to get in there,” Yasmin called out to an officer.

  “No one is allowed in, Ma’am,” the policeman said.

  “But I have to talk Hunter Treveign. It’s very important,” Yasmin insisted.

  The officer shook his head. “I can’t let you in, Ma’am,” he said firmly.

  Renee started arguing with the officer as Yasmin watched the activity in despair. Then she saw Hunter.

  “There he is,” Yasmin said to Renee.

  Yasmin saw Hunter look up at the building and she followed his gaze. There was smoke coming from one of the windows which quickly turned to flames. Glass broke as another window became engulfed in flames. The fire department arrived and the firemen quickly began attacking the fire. The fire was moving through the building at an alarming pace and Yasmin feared any remaining computers would be destroyed. Yasmin saw Hunter say something to the man standing beside him then move toward the building. The man reached out to stop him but Hunter eluded his grasp. Yasmin’s heart stopped.

  “Hunter. No! Don’t,” she yelled. “Non! Pas.”

  Hunter disappeared into the building and a fireman ran in behind him. Then in the stillness of the night she heard two gunshots ring out.

  “Hunter!” Yasmin yelled.

  She ducked under the tape before the officer could stop her and ran toward the burning inferno.


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  This book is Book Two of “The Bliss Series”


  Bliss Book Two

  Bliss Book Three

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  Here is a sneak peak of Bliss Book Three:

  Yasmin stormed toward the burning building. Renee ran after her. A fireman caught Yasmin by the waist and pulled her back.

  “Let me go. I have to go to him,” Yasmin cries.

  “I’m sorry, Miss but I can’t let you go in there,” the fireman said.

  “He’s right, Yasmin. Listen to him,” Renee implored.

  “You don’t understand. My boyfriend is inside and I heard a gun fire,” Yasmin pleaded.

  “All the more reason why you can’t go in. It’s too dangerous. You will have to wait,” the fireman replied.

  “But Hunter—

  “Let us do our job. We’ll get him out,” he said brusquely.

  “In what condition?” Yasmin demanded.

  The fireman looked at her grimly then he turned to Renee.

  “Keep her out of our way,” he said to Renee. He then hurried away.

  “Damn him!” Yasmin yelled.

  “Calm down, Yas.” Renee advised. “It will be alright. Hunter will be fine,” Renee tried to assure her.

  “There were gunshots, Renee. I heard them,” Yasmin gasped.

  “I heard them too. But that doesn’t mean that Hunter has been shot. Don’t think the worse,” Renee said. “Now is the time to have faith that Hunter is fine.”

  “Easier said than done. I felt something was off when Hunter had to go into the office. It didn’t feel right,” Yasmin said. “Now the warehouse is burning to a crisp, Hunter is inside of it and that nut-job Ryan is on the loose. It’s real hard to have faith right now, Renee.”

  “Now is when you need it most. Hold on to it, Yasmin. The I Am will come through for you. Do not doubt Him now,” Renee insisted.

  “You’re right. And I’ll try to be positive but I know that Ryan is behind all of this. He’s crazy enough to do something like this,” Yasmin replied.

  “Who’s crazy enough?”

  You may enjoy the Rapture Series, a BWWM billionaire series.

  Here is a sneak peak of Rapture.

  Shalisa Caprice Monroe sat at a table in the shadows of her favorite jazz club and listened distractedly to the vocalist. The singer was actually very good and any other time Shay would have been completely engaged; but this was not one of those times. She rotated her half full wine glass by its stem as she thought about her dire predicament. She needed a job badly and her prospects were dwindling rapidly. It seemed that every reputable restaurant in New York had a kitchen fully staffed with amazing chefs. She couldn’t buy a position as a sous chef which led her to swallow her pride and check out the diner that had a cook wanted sign in its window. The small, slightly rundown diner wasn’t the elite establishment that she had targeted for employment, but she was running out of options. She needed money to eat regular meals and keep a roof over her head. Cooking at the diner would allow her to do that if she budgeted carefully. However, when she arrived at the diner and enquired about the help wanted sign, she’d been told that the position had just been filled twenty minutes ago. Shay’s heart sank. She left the diner feeling completely dejected and discouraged. What was she going to do? Her savings was quickly evaporating. Before long she would be living in a cardboard box in a back alley if she didn’t secure income soon.

  “May I join you?”

  Shay was startled by the smooth, rich tone. She looked up into the oddest but most beautiful set of eyes she had ever seen. She could only describe them as a warm golden orange. It was like looking into a glorious sunrise. Shay blinked several times to clear her vision and ensure that she was seeing correctly. Yes, those penetrating eyes were the color of sunrays and they were set in the face of Adonis. The man was strikingly gorgeous; tall, dark blond hair with muscular frame. She sighed as she thought of being held in his powerful arms. His smile was lazy and sensuous and she wondered how they would feel pressed against her own. He was staring at her and she realized he was waiting for an answer. She mentally shook her head to clear it.

  “You’re welcome to sit here. I am leaving,” Shay replied quickly.

  “I was hoping to share the table with you,” he responded.

  Shay grimaced. She was in no mood for a flirtatious encounter; she had too many worries on her mind. Too bad. He was a total hottie. Thank goodness she had already paid her tab; she could make a quick exit. She grabbed her clutch purse and stood.

  “Not this time,” she said.

  Shay turned to walk away. River McAlister leaned against the nearby post and watched her as she left the club. She had a sexy walk. Her hips swayed ever so slightly in her smooth, rhythmic gait. But it was her lovely face that had caught his attention. He’d been sitting at the ba
r and when he had glimpsed her in his peripheral vision. He moved to looked at her directly and been arrested by her beauty. She was a slender, African American woman with long, wavy, dark hair. There was a haunted look on her beautiful features; as if she were upset or worried. That look inexplicably drew him to her. He knew he had to approach her. But she had run from him as if he had Bubonic Plague. That was crushing to his ego. Thank goodness he had a healthy self-esteem. He wondered who she was and if he would ever see her again. He doubted that their paths would cross again. That was too bad. He would have liked to have known her better.

  About the Author

  Jada Jordan loves to write romantic stories and especially loves to tell the story of strong interracial couples. Jada grew up in an interracial family in New York. She lives in the city and can be found in jazz clubs and quaint new eateries. Jada loves to cook for her friends and family.

  Keep in touch with Jada Jordan at

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