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  • Bliss Book Two: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (The Bliss Series 2)

Bliss Book Two: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (The Bliss Series 2) Read online


  Bliss Book Two

  The Bliss Series

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3


  About the Author


  A BWWM Billionaire Romance

  Bliss Series Book Two

  Jada Jordan

  Copyright © 2015 Jada Jordan

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and situations are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without written consent of the author.

  This book is Book Two of “The Bliss Series”


  Bliss Book Two

  Bliss Book Three

  Chapter 1

  “May I come in?”

  Yasmin’s voice was so pitiful and broken. Hunter felt a rage for Ryan that defied all reason. He quickly pulled Yasmin in out of the rain and shut the door. He then ran into the living room to snatch a throw from the sofa and returned to wrap it around her shivering shoulders.

  “Hunter, I need to explain. I’m sorry to come here so late. I–”

  “Later. Right now I want to take care of you,” he hushed her.

  He then swept her into his strong arms and carried her upstairs. Yasmin’s protest of being carried was weak at best. She had to acknowledge that it felt good to allow someone else to take control and she reveled in being snuggled in his powerful arms. She was emotionally drained and at this moment all she wanted was a little TLC. After driving aimlessly about for hours she knew she could no longer deny that tranquility could be found with Hunter. She arrived on his doorstep at one o’clock in the morning completely spent, and prayed he wouldn’t refuse her. Hunter held her like precious cargo, as though she were delicate and fragile. Anger flowed through his veins but superseding that was his need to protect and comfort Yasmin. He hadn’t realized just how much she had come to mean to him until he saw her standing on his doorstep looking like a drenched puppy. Never again would that loser, Ryan, hurt her. He would have to go through him first if he wanted to even glance at her. Hunter arrived at his master suit door. He paused. He wanted more than anything to ensconce her in his bed, but he knew the right thing to do would be to take her to a guest room. It took every disciplined cell in his body to move down the corridor to the next door. He entered the room and set her on the big bed. He went into the bathroom and brought back a fluffy blue towel. He sat beside her and started to use it to dry her hair, but Yasmin stayed his hand.

  “I can do it, Hunter,” she smiled wearily. Hunter let the towel fall to his side and Yasmin took it from his hand. “Thank you for letting me stay the night. I will find an apartment in the morning.”

  “So the louse put you out,” Hunter said angrily. It wasn’t really a question but Yasmin nodded anyway. “Damn him! It’s pouring out there and you could have caught pneumonia, but he didn’t care. The jackass didn’t care!”

  Hunter was riled and the anger on his face was turning his skin red. Yasmin saw his fury and wanted to diffuse the situation.

  “Let it go, Hunter. Ryan and I were doomed from the start. I just didn’t realize it until now,” she said softly. “He’s not worth your anger. Forget about him. I certainly have.”

  “Have you really?” he asked.

  “Yes, I have. I thought Ryan was the blissful idea of love that I’ve had since I was a young girl. Unfortunately, the dream turned out to be a nightmare,” she said wryly. “But I still have the dream. I won’t give up on it.”

  Hunter looked at her inscrutably. Yasmin wasn’t sure how to interpret his expression.

  “Let’s get you out of those damp clothes,” he said.

  He stooped to pull her ankle boots from her small feet as Yasmin removed her coat. He set her boots and coat aside then turned to face her.

  “Have you any clothes with you?” he asked.

  She shook her head.

  “No. Ryan pushed me out without allowing me to pack anything,” she mumbled.

  “And how did he expect you to weather the night without any clothes?” Hunter was appalled.

  Yasmin could only shrug.

  “I can manage. I’ll sleep in my clothes tonight—they aren’t wet. Then go get my things in the morning,” she said quickly.

  “No. I’ll give you one of my pajama shirts. I don’t wear them anyway. And I’ll go with you to pick up your belongings in the morning,” he said flatly.

  Yasmin didn’t think that was such a good idea. A visit between Ryan and Hunter could only mean trouble.

  “That won’t be necessary. I can—

  “It’s done. I’ll go get the shirt,” he said tersely as he left the room.

  Yasmin moved to the dresser and looked in the mirror. She was apprehensive about a meeting between Ryan and Hunter—nothing good would come from it. But she would just have to figure that problem out in the morning. She ran a hand through her tangled brunette curls. If only she had a brush.

  “Here’s the shirt.”

  She spun around at his words. She had not heard him return and his silent approach startled her. She looked at his extended hand holding the shirt, and knew she needed to retrieve it from him. She moved to take it.

  “Thank you, Hunter…. for everything. I promise I won’t be a huge inconvenience for you. I will find a place tomorrow,” she said softly.

  “Don’t worry about it, Yas. My home is yours for as long as you need it or want it,” he replied.

  His answer unnerved her a bit. A place for as long as she wanted it? Was that an invitation? And did she want to accept it? It was way too soon to be thinking about such an arrangement. She was just coming out of one that hadn’t worked. She wasn’t up for getting kicked to the curb for a second time.

  “I’d better put this on and get some sleep. Thank you again,” she said quietly.

  Yasmin went into the bathroom to change. She found several new toothbrushes and toothpaste in a drawer. She went through her nightly ritual then left the bathroom. She stopped short as she saw Hunter sitting on the bed. She had assumed that he’d gone to bed—apparently not.


  When he stood she realized that he was dressed in his pajama bottoms only. He crossed to her and cupped her cheek, gently running his thumb over her face. Then he ran his hand through her thick, wavy hair and massaged her scalp. Yasmin couldn’t deny that it felt so good.

  “Kiss me, Yas. Let me kiss you,” he murmured.

  He lowered his head and Yasmin was lost. He kissed her upper and lower lips, licking and teasing. He glided his tongue along the outline of her mouth before thrusting it within. Yasmin felt pure joy when his tongue entered her mouth. She collapsed against him, surrendering to him completely. His arms tightened around her and he intensified the kiss. It felt magical to Yas and she didn’t want it to stop. His hands slid down to her hip and he held her firmly as he ground against her. Yasmin groaned and imagined what it would feel like to have him inside of her. She could feel that he was large and she desperately wanted to receive him. But when she felt him walking her to the bed, alarm bells went off. Yes, she had wanted his kiss and now knew she wanted a whole lot more. But was she ready? She’d sought the feel of his strong arms wrapped about her. She needed the security he could provide and yearned for the sweet taste of his mouth. But in her heart she knew she wasn’t ready for anything
more– not yet. It was just too soon. She was still reeling from Ryan’s behavior and needed time to settle. She broke their kiss. He hungrily sought her mouth again, plunging into her sweet, hollow recesses. The kiss was wonderful and Yasmin’s resolve was almost swept away. She had to stop this now or there would be no turning back. This time when Yasmin broke the kiss she stepped away from him.

  “Yasmin?” he panted.

  He reached for her but she avoided his hand.

  “Hunter, I can’t. So much has happened and I’m…. I’m not sure I’m thinking straight,” she rasped.

  They were both breathing hard with passion. Yasmin’s cinnamon eyes were begging him to understand. Hunter stared at her dressed in his shirt and thought she was the sexiest woman alive. Her slender brown legs were sleek and firm and he itched to have them wrapped around him. The shirt was much too big for her, but he could easily imagine what the rest of her looked and felt like. How was he to sleep that night knowing that she was just down the hall sleeping in his shirt? This situation would test the saintly hormones of Jesus. He took a deep breath and ran his hands through his thick, dark hair. He knew he had to get out of there. He quickly moved to the door.

  “I will see you in the morning,” he muttered without looking at her.

  Then he was gone and Yasmin felt a little bereft.


  Yasmin woke to sun streaming through her window and the dark clouds of yesterday were gone. Yasmin stretched languidly as she realized that she felt rested and content. It had taken her less time than she’d thought to drift off to sleep. Exhaustion had soon claimed her and she’d slept soundly. She listened now for sounds of Hunter moving about the house but heard nothing. She thought that maybe he was still asleep. She touched her lips as memories of the kisses she had shared with him flooded her mind. They had felt so rapturous and she had been so tempted. But she felt she had made the right decision. It was too soon to think about another relationship. She needed to conclude the one she was in before entering into another. And maybe a little time to herself was what she needed. Time to explore her love for painting and time to discover who she really was. She turned her head to glance at the bedside clock and saw that it was almost eleven o’clock in the morning. My goodness! She hadn’t meant to sleep this late. She threw the covers back and got out of bed. She padded to the bathroom and turned on the light. She noticed there was another switch aligned with the light toggle. She flicked it upward and waited. Nothing seemed to happen so she shrugged and was about to reset the button when she felt it. Her toes were warming. The floor was heated! She laughed as she danced about the room. The warm tiles felt wonderful beneath her bare feet. Wow! To live in such luxury must be fabulous. She went through her morning ritual happily, then dressed in her clothes from the day before. She was ready to face her day, whatever it may bring. She went out into the corridor and took a deep breath. She sniffed again and smelled bacon. Yum! Hunter was awake and cooking. Her stomach growled in anticipation of a hot breakfast. Yasmin hurried down the grand staircase and followed the savory scents that led her to the kitchen. She saw Hunter standing before the stove lifting strips of bacon from the skillet. He laid them on a platter and then returned to tending the remaining meat in the skillet.

  “Good morning,” she said brightly.

  He turned and smiled at her.

  “Good morning,” he responded.

  Yasmin caught her breath at his beautiful smile. She had seen his smile before, of course, but never had it seemed so dazzling and sincere as it did at this moment. It took her a moment to regroup. She moved over to the large granite island and sat. It had a gorgeous mix of gold, yellow, black and tan strands running throughout its surface. It suited him perfectly. She ran her hand over it as she thought about what she was about to say. She had just opened her mouth to speak when he beat her to it.

  “Are you hungry? Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes,” he said.

  “I’m starved. I don’t think I ate anything all day yesterday. Except for your hot cider, that is.” She smiled.

  “And that is drinking…..not eating. Did you sleep well?” he asked.

  “Yes. Who couldn’t in that bed? It’s divine. And the bathroom floor—it’s heated. I love it,” she exclaimed.

  “Ahh! I see you found the switch to a woman’s heart—a heated floor.” He grinned.

  She giggled.

  “It felt so good.” She laughed.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it.” He grinned. He filled two plates and carried them to the round maple table that sat in a nook in front of the kitchen window. “Come on. Let’s eat.”

  Yasmin looked out the window and smiled.

  “I like how you can look out and see what happening on your street when you sit here,” she murmured. “The window allows a little bit of life to come into your kitchen.”

  “On Sundays, I have my breakfast and watch the pedestrians,” he said.

  “Do you imagine who they are and what they are doing? I could tell you an entire story about that young woman who is rushing to put her toddler into the car. I would love to paint her story.” Yasmin sighed whimsically.

  “Ah! The artist in you fast at work. How soon before you begin this new venture in your life?” he asked.

  He scooped a forkful of scrambled eggs into his mouth and waited for her answer.

  “I promised Dean that I would give him at least three weeks, time for him to hire my replacement,” she said.

  “That he won’t be able to do. But he should be able to hire another lawyer. I have to say that I feel a bit sorry for him. He’s losing a remarkable attorney,” Hunter observed.

  “Do you think I’m making a mistake in leaving?” she asked anxiously.

  He reached across the table and gripped her hand.

  “No, Yasmin I don’t. I think you are making the decision that is right for you. And at some point in our lives we have to put our wants and desires first,” he answered gently.

  “I agree. But I guess I needed to hear someone else say it,” she murmured.

  “I’ll say it as often as you need me to. I support you, Yas,” he said solemnly.

  Yasmin was touched by his words. They were exactly the sentiment that she needed to hear. Although his hand felt warm and cozy she slowly withdrew her own. She needed to keep a clear head and that was hard to do when he was touching her. They continued to eat and chat amiably and soon Yasmin could not avoid the topic any longer.

  “Hunter, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go with me to get my things. Your presence will only ignite Ryan’s temper and the results will be disastrous. Please let me go alone,” she asked.



  Yasmin couldn’t fathom how unbelievably stubborn Hunter could be. They had argued the merits of his accompanying her to retrieve her things for over an hour and he had refused to change his mind. Now here they were standing in her former home collecting her belongings as Yasmin fervently prayed that Ryan would not come home while they were there. When they had entered the townhouse and found Ryan to be absent, Hunter seemed disappointed. The frustration was clearly evident on his face. Yasmin had rolled her eyes at him and sent up a silent prayer of thanks to the Mighty I Am. Hunter roamed the house as she went into her bedroom’s closet. She noticed that many of her tops, pants and suits were missing. Where could they be? Ryan hadn’t allowed her time to take anything with her the night before. Then she had a horrible thought. Noo! He couldn’t be that vindictive. She hurried from the closet to enter the bathroom.

  “Oh my God!” she exclaimed.

  “Yasmin!” Hunter raced into the bathroom and looked at her. “What is it?”

  Yasmin pointed to her clothes piled in the bathtub. There was a gasoline container setting near the tub. Hunter picked up a jacket and found it to be wet with fuel. He threw it down as anger suffused his features.

  “Ce bâtard! That bastard was going to torch my clothes,” Yasmin cried. “That lowli
fe, sleazebag piece of trash was going to burn my clothes.”

  “You deserve worse.”

  Both Hunter and Yasmin spun around at the unexpected voice. They saw an unrepentant Ryan glaring at them from the bedroom. Yasmin stormed toward him.

  “Are you insane? How dare you ruin my clothes?” she yelled.

  “I will dare whatever I please. This is my townhouse, remember? You abandoned them. I was only removing them from my premise.” He snorted. “Who the hell are you?”

  “A friend…..who can bear witness to what’s happening here,” Yasmin retorted.

  Ryan laughed harshly.

  “Always the lawyer. Well, it’s not going to help you now, Yas,” Ryan snapped. “Take your new bedmate and get the hell out of here”

  “You think you can have a Waiting to Exhale moment at my expense and I’ll just suck it up and crawl away? I will sue you for every cent of their value,” Yasmin yelled.

  Ryan laughed.

  “Go ahead. But I think the courts have better things to contend with than your allegedly damaged pantsuit,” he sneered.

  Yasmin raised her hand to slap his face. Ryan caught her wrist and squeezed it hard. Yasmin cried out. Hunter punched Ryan in the mouth with all his strength. Ryan staggered and Hunter cracked his face again. Ryan fell to the floor. Hunter reached down and yanked Ryan up by his collar to hit him again but Yasmin caught his arm.

  “No Hunter. Stop. Please,” she begged.

  Hunter had been itching to beat the hell out of Ryan since he first heart his name. He freely admitted that was the reason why he was so determined to come here. When they arrived and Ryan wasn’t home he’d wanted to tear the place apart in his frustration. Well, he’d gotten the opportunity to smash Ryan’s mug anyway. He looked down into Yasmin’s pleading face and let Ryan fall back to the floor. Yasmin breathed a sigh of relief.