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Bliss Book Two: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (The Bliss Series 2) Read online

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  “I’ll call the police and file a report. They will also be able to witness the damage Ryan has caused,” she muttered.

  “And the damage you’ve done to my face,” Ryan muttered as he staggered to his feet.

  “Sue me. I have the best attorney there is,” Hunter spat.

  “And I have friends in high places. Hunter won’t be the one who may end up behind bars,” Yasmin said confidently.

  The police arrived while Yasmin and Hunter were putting her soiled belongings in large trash bags. The police took the report and witnessed the damaged articles before taking their leave. Hunter took the trash bags to the car while Yasmin collected the rest of her things. They finally removed everything that belonged to her and were getting into the car when Ryan yelled out from the front door.

  “Don’t think this is done, white boy,” Ryan shouted. “It ain’t over until I say it is.”

  Ryan glared at the car’s receding red taillights until they were gone from sight. He slammed his fist into the doorjamb in fury.

  This isn’t finished. I’ll be damned if this is over, he thought furiously.


  Yasmin had no intention of remaining at Hunter’s house. But as she busily concluded her court cases and helped transition the new lawyer into the firm, she never seemed to have the time to look for new lodgings. Hunter had insisted that she could stay for as long as she wanted, and it soon became easier to stay rather than leave. Especially after she decided that she wanted to go back to her home village of Beynac, France to begin painting. Having decided to leave the country, it didn’t make sense for her to go into a new rental lease. So she remained with Hunter. It was actually very comfortable living with him. He didn’t put any sexual pressure on her and he was always there to give her support when she needed it. She could talk to him about her daily work and her dreams of the future. It was the ideal situation—at least it was for Yasmin.

  Hunter, on the other hand was having his struggles. He surreptitiously massaged his cock as he watched her sitting at his desk pouring over a brief. She was totally intent on her work, completely oblivious to the effect that she was having on him. He sat in a red wingbacked chair before the fire with his iPad on his lap pretending to work. But in actuality he could not keep his mind or eyes off of Yasmin. She was driving him crazy with need but he knew it was too soon to approach her. So he sat there rubbing his penis and wishing it were her hand instead of his. Yasmin had settled into his home easily and gracefully, as though she belonged here. She was a part of his home and was fast becoming a part of his life– an addition that he had not expected. Yes, he’d wanted to know her and he still wanted to become her sexual partner. But he hadn’t expected to feel such a connection with her so quickly. He was discovering that Yasmin was a unique and brilliant individual, and he didn’t want to lose her special essence that was filtering through his life. He liked coming home to find that she was already there. It brought him pleasure to see her cooking in his kitchen or doing the laundry that included his clothing. It made him want to do everything in his power to help her manifest her dream. It didn’t perturb him in the least that she wanted to go to France to paint. He knew he would be there with her. He had business interests in France and he could relocate there for as long as need be. It was one of the perks of being a successful entrepreneur. But how long he would be able to stay away from her was another story. It was becoming increasingly harder with every day that passed. He shifted in his chair and Yasmin glanced up at him.

  “Are you alright?” she asked with concern.

  “Yes. I think I’ll get some coffee. Can I get you any?” he asked.

  “No. I’m fine.” She smiled.

  She returned to her work and Hunter stood, holding his iPad in front of his crotch. His cock was erect and protruding proudly and he knew he had to get out of the room to attend to it. He hurried from the room and took the steps two at a time to his master suite bathroom. He closed the door and growled as he pulled his penis from his pants. No. He wouldn’t be able to keep his distance from her for very much longer.

  Chapter 2

  Dean Beckman leaned against a column with a drink in his hand and watched the happy scene. The ‘resignation party’ he had thrown for Yasmin at Le Reef restaurant was in full swing and everyone was having a good time. Dean had arranged for the party to be held in a private room at the restaurant and Shay and River McAlister had turned the place out for the celebration. The food was fabulous, as was the entertainment and atmosphere. Dean couldn’t have been more pleased as he watched Yasmin enjoying herself. All of her family, friends and business associates were there to wish her well. Dean wished her well too, although it was a little bittersweet. He was going to miss Yasmin. Not only for her prowess as an attorney but as a close friend. He had come to appreciate and truly value the friendship that had developed between them. It was a friendship that could not be replaced.

  “Not having a pity party, are you?”

  Dean looked around to see River standing near him. He shrugged.

  “No one could blame me if I were. I’m going to miss her a lot. She’s a brilliant attorney but more importantly she is my good friend,” Dean said a bit sadly.

  “She may be leaving the firm but you’re not losing a friend,” River said. “The dynamics between the two of you are changing but your friendship will remain true and strong.”

  Dean sighed.

  “You’re right. I have to remember that. It’s just that when the habits of friends are suddenly broken the fragments can leave a void,” Dean said softly.

  “Then you have to make new habits to fit the changes of the friendship. Yasmin is loyal. She may be leaving the firm but her friendship with you is still solid,” River said.

  Dean smiled and clapped River on the shoulder.

  “A conversation with you is just what I needed. Come on. Let’s join the party,” Dean said jovially.


  “Stop being critical and have fun,” Yasmin demanded.

  Shay swung around at Yasmin’s voice and laughed.

  “I can’t help it. I have to make sure everything is on point.” Shay giggled.

  Shay was surveying the buffet table and making comments to the servers standing behind it. Although she was a guest, dressed to the nines in a black halter dress, she still could not take off her chef hat.

  “Stop harassing the poor servers and come enjoy the party, Shay.”

  Shay laughed as she recognized the familiar voice. She turned and hugged her best friend.

  “I can’t help it, Yas. The chef in me wants everything to be perfect,” she responded.

  “It is perfect. It’s wonderful and it’s all due to you and River.” Yasmin grinned. “Thank you so much for this. It’s better than I could have ever imagined.”

  “You are more than welcome. You know I would turn it out for my best friend ever,” Shay smiled. “I’m so happy for you, Yas. I know how much painting means to you and you are about to conquer the world with your art. I can’t wait to share in your success.”

  Yasmin laughed.

  “I just hope there’s success for you to share.” Yasmin grimaced.

  “There will be. You’re a wonderful artist. The world just needs to be introduced to you,” Shay said. She looped her arm through Yasmin’s and walked her away to a corner. “So tell me how things are going with Hunter.”

  Shay dark eyes glittered with curiosity. Shay was aware of the fiasco that had transpired with Ryan and had wanted to strangle him for hurting her friend. But Ryan was now in the past and Hunter had taken a prominent role in Yasmin’s life. Shay wanted to know just how important he had become to Yasmin.

  “Things are fine with Hunter. Our living arrangement has worked out well, for which I am extremely grateful,” Yasmin replied. “Hunter has been there when I needed him most and I will always be grateful to him.”

  Shay looked at Yasmin in shock.

  “Is that all?” Shay asked in disbelie

  Yasmin knew what Shay was getting at and smiled.

  “That’s all…for now anyway. I’m not ready for anything more, Shay. It’s only been a few weeks since Ryan and I broke up. I got involved with Ryan too quickly and allowed myself to be swept away into fantasy without thought. I will not do that again. I’ve learned my lesson,” Yasmin said reflectively.

  “But Hunter seems so different from Ryan. You can’t compare the two,” Shay said.

  “Maybe not. But I can take my time and be sure of what he’s offering and decide if I want it,” Yasmin replied.

  “Has he offered something more than platonic friendship?” Shay asked.

  Yasmin didn’t answer immediately. She knew that Hunter wanted to take their friendship to a new level. He had not kissed her since that first night, but he hadn’t needed to. She could see it in his oftentimes remote behavior and always in his intense green eyes. He wanted her sexually and to be honest if he approached her, she doubted that she would say no. She was just as attracted to him as he was to her. But was she ready to take the chance? She didn’t know.

  “Yasmin?” Shay prompted.

  “I know that he wants to sleep with me although he has not applied any pressure,” Yasmin said.

  “I’m not surprised. He would have to be a castrated monk not to want you.” Shay giggled.

  Yasmin sighed.

  “He’s so nice, Shay. He’s kind, generous, thoughtful, considerate and sexy as hell. He’s everything that I want in a man,” Yas moaned.

  “Then what’s holding you back?”

  “I thought the same thing about Ryan and look how that turned out. I’m scared that I would be making the same mistake all over again,” Yasmin moaned.

  “Ahh, Yas,” Shay empathized. Shay squeezed Yasmin’s arm in comfort. “I can only tell you to trust your heart. If you think about it your heart wasn’t completed invested with Ryan. You were holding back even though you were engaged. Your heart knew that Ryan was not the one for you, and eventually you and Ryan would part. Your leaving the firm was just a catalyst to what was destined to happen. What is your heart telling you about Hunter? Listen to it and follow. It will not lead you astray.”

  “Beautiful words, Shay. But do I have the courage to implement them?” Yasmin said wanly.

  “You have more courage than you think, Yas. I know you well. The courage is there. Just believe,” Shay said softly.

  Shay gave her another hug then moved away. Yasmin looked across the room and her cinnamon eyes locked with a pair of sparkling green ones. Suddenly she had her answer.


  Hunter stood in his dim bedroom, staring out the window. The streetlamps cast a yellow glow against the dark shroud of the night. Everyone was ensconced in their homes sleeping peacefully while he fought the impulsive desire to storm Yasmin’s bedroom and have wild, erotic sex with her. He rubbed his erect cock as he thought about how desirable she had looked that night at her party. All he had wanted to do was to yank her into a broom closet and plunge into her wet, delectable pussy. The drive home had been torturous. Yasmin had sat quietly with her shapely legs crossed and her short, form fitting dress had ridden up her thighs, scarcely covering her private haven. She hadn’t tried to pull her dress down and he had looked his fill. He hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off of her and his driving had suffered because of it. And of course his penis had grown to massive proportions and he ached miserably as a result. He leaned against the wall and slid his hand inside of his pajama bottoms to massage his cock fiercely.


  His hand stilled. He paused before turning.

  “Did you need…” he trailed off.

  Hunter stared at her incredulously. Yasmin stood just inside his room, dressed in his pajama shirt only. Her dark brown hair was loose and cinnamon eyes were filled with passion. Hunter couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Did this mean what he’d been hoping for? She slowly moved toward him, her bare feet silent. She stopped a foot before him.

  “May I stay, Hunter?” she whispered.

  He grabbed her forcefully and pressed her against him.

  “Oh yeah. You can stay,” he answered hoarsely.

  His mouth devoured hers. He kissed her until Yasmin thought she would faint from lack of air. He lifted his mouth briefly, only to claim her lips again. The kiss was wonderful and Yasmin took part in it freely. Their tongues tangled as they sought to give and receive the raw passion that had been building between them for weeks. Hunter cupped her bare buttocks and caressed them feverishly as he pressed into her. Yasmin looped her arms about his neck and rose onto her toes. She fit him beautifully and Hunter tightened his hold on her slim waist. He’d been waiting for this moment for so long. He knew he couldn’t wait any longer. He lifted her from the floor and Yasmin wrapped her legs about him. Hunter turned to push her against the wall and ground into her. Yasmin cried out her delight. His penis felt so good as it gyrated against her mound. Hunter kissed her neck and then his mouth found its way to her breasts, where he teased and licked her nipples through his shirt. Yasmin reveled in the sensations that were coursing through her body. Never had she been this ignited by a man. She wanted to kiss, nip and caress every inch of him. She tightened her legs and pushed against his cock. Hunter groaned and rotated against her even more.


  He moved away from the wall and carried her to the bed where he dropped her onto the wide mattress. He pushed his pajama bottoms from his slim hips and stepped out of them. He stood there looking like a gorgeous Greek Adonis, proud and masculine. Yasmin thought he was simply beautiful and longed to hold him in her arms. She stared into his brilliant eyes as she knelt and unbuttoned the shirt. She licked her upper lip, then bit her lower as she stared at him. That seemed to be his undoing. He fell upon her, knocking her onto her back. He captured her mouth, thrusting his tongue past her lips and swirling it about inside. It felt heavenly to Yasmin as she responded with complete abandon. He then trailed his tongue over her body, sending thrills racing through her. He stripped her shirt from her slender shoulders and tossed it to the floor. He caressed her from top to bottom, touching every inch of her shimmering, coffee body with his nimble fingers. His mouth followed his fingers until he reached her damp curls. He slowly parted her private lips and flicked his tongue against her heat. Yasmin jumped at the feel of his cool tongue. She couldn’t believe how tantalizing the gesture felt. She wanted more and she lifted her hips to welcome his mouth. Hunter grinned and obliged her need. He tongued her with lustful abandon and Yasmin couldn’t help but scream in sheer pleasure. She could feel the pressure building within her and knew she could not hold back the coming explosion. Hunter was feeling the same pangs of desire. As much as he enjoyed sucking her pussy he knew he had to get inside of her. He finally rose above her and positioned the tip of his cock at her opening.

  “Please Hunter!” she cried out.

  He began to slowly push into her hollow and Yasmin thought she would burst from excitement. Hunter couldn’t hold back any longer and he gave a powerful thrust, filling her to the hilt. He was in awe at how good she felt. She contracted her muscles and he was in heaven. He began to pump into her, quickening his pace with every thrust. He was beyond thought as he surged inside her. He could only feel and what he felt was fantastic. It wasn’t long before he brought them both to a climax of the ages. His seed poured forth as she crested the mountain of decadent joy. She had never experienced such thrilling passion before. She was stunned and over the moon with ecstasy. She held him tightly as they tumbled back to earth, each panting as they struggled to catch their breath.

  “That was fabulous,” she rasped.

  “I knew it would be with you,” he said hoarsely. He rolled off of her and pulled her to his side. “What made you change your mind?” he asked.

  She knew what he was asking. “I could no longer say no,” she whispered.

  He smiled, cocky now. “Couldn’t resist me, huh?” he grinned

  She playfully punched his arm. “Don’t get full of yourself, Hunter. Or this may not happen ever again,” she teased.

  He rolled her onto her back and loomed over her. “Oh, it will happen again, sweetie. Every frickin’ night,” he said gruffly.

  “Every night?” she squeaked.

  “Several times a night,” he chuckled.

  “Bring it, baby,” she challenged archly.

  He grinned as he showed her once again just what he could do.


  Yasmin and Hunter spent the next morning laughing hysterically as they chased each other around the house playing sex games. Yasmin thought it was romantic, erotic and just plain fun to be so uninhibited with each other. It was also a great way to get to know Hunter better. She discovered more of his likes, dislikes and neutralities while playing with him. It was a new experience for her as she hadn’t had this kind of mischievous relationship with Ryan. Ryan could be rather closed with his deeper feelings. Hunter was just the opposite, and she liked that. They had just finished eating lunch and were stacking the dishwasher when the doorbell rang.

  “I wonder who that could be” Hunter mused.

  He moved to the door while Yasmin set the dishwasher.

  “Shay! Renee!” Hunter said in surprise.

  Yasmin heard who was at the door and hurried into the foyer to see her friends.

  “We’re sorry to drop in on you unannounced,” Shay apologized.

  “Nonsense. Yasmin’s friends are welcome here at any time,” Hunter said graciously.

  “Shay. Renee. Hi!” Yasmin hugged her friends. “What brings you by?”

  “We wanted to talk to you,” Shay said.

  “Actually, Hunter in particular,” Renee said pointedly.

  Hunter and Yasmin looked at each other in curiosity.