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Bliss Book Two: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (The Bliss Series 2) Read online

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  “Come in and tell us what’s up,” Yasmin said.

  Shay, Renee and Hunter settled in the den and Yasmin brought in hot cider for everyone.

  “So tell me why you wanted to talk to me. I’m truly flattered by the attention but I think you have a particular reason for wanting to speak to me,” hunter grinned wryly.

  Renee grinned.

  “He’s really smooth, Yas. I can see your attraction,” Renee said slyly.

  Hunter grinned and grasped Yasmin’s hand as Yasmin ducked her head in embarrassment. Shay immediately knew something had changed between Yasmin and Hunter and anticipated getting Yasmin alone.

  “Well, we didn’t want to say anything last night at your party but we knew we wanted to tell you,” Shay said.

  “Tell me what?” Hunter pressed.

  “Ryan has been asking questions about you,” Renee said.

  “He’s real mad about the break-up with Yasmin and feels that Hunter is responsible for it,” Shay added.

  “Is he crazy? Hunter had nothing to do with it. Ryan is responsible for our split and no one else,” Yasmin said incredulously.

  “Well, he’s not seeing it that way and he’s out for revenge,” Renee said. “Unfortunately, I let it slip about your identity. I’m sorry. He caught me off guard and I said your name before I realized it.”

  “He didn’t know who you were. I never said when we were at the townhouse,” Yas mused. “But don’t feel bad about it, Renee. Ryan would have found out who Hunter was sooner or later anyway. It’s not a secret.”

  “And I’m not perturbed about Ryan. He can’t harm me and he will eventually figure that out and move on,” Hunter said.

  “I don’t know, Hunter. I have a bad feeling about this,” Shay responded. “Ryan came into the restaurant the other day and he asked me a bunch of questions about you. I didn’t tell him anything but I’ve never seen him look so hateful before. He despises you and will try to hurt you if given a chance.”

  “Well, I just won’t give him a chance,” Hunter said.

  “And how will you stop him? You have no idea what he’s up to or when he will attack,” Yasmin said worriedly. “Ryan can be very vindictive. And with the right incentive, I think he can be ruthless as well.”

  Hunter raised her hand to his lips and kissed it briefly.

  “Don’t worry, Yas. I can take care of myself. Ryan cannot hurt me,” Hunter assured her.

  “I wish I felt as confident as you,” Yasmin mumbled.

  “I have to agree with Yasmin, Hunter. Ryan has changed. He’s not the same easygoing, fun-loving man that we once knew,” Renee said. “He’s lost a lot.”

  “What do you mean?” Yasmin asked.

  “I heard that he lost his job,” Shay answered.

  “And I don’t know how long he’ll be able to stay in that townhouse,” Renee said. “I always felt that Ryan was living above his means. But he had your salary to fall back on when things got financially sketchy for him.”

  “What will he do if he doesn’t have a job?” Yasmin asked.

  “I don’t know and I don’t care,” Hunter grumbled. “That freeloader will have to make his own way. Something he should have been doing all along.”

  “I think you should be careful and take extra precautions, Hunter,” Shay said in concern.

  “I won’t walk around afraid of my own shadow. If he wants to come after me, let him. He’ll wish he hadn’t,” Hunter said in exasperation as he left the room.

  The women looked at each other in worry. Hunter was being a typical man with his display of bravado. But he didn’t know Ryan and couldn’t see the alarming changes in him. Ryan was dangerous and should not be cavalierly dismissed.

  “He needs to take this more seriously, Yas. Can you talk to him?” Shay asked.

  “I will try. But Hunter can be stubborn and his male ego will not allow him to show any kind of fear or concern,” Yasmin replied.

  “Well, he needs to put that ego of his aside and listen. I wouldn’t put anything past Ryan,” Renee said. “He’s angry, unemployed and he’s just lost his good thing in you, Yas. He’ll do a lot to get even.”

  “I think he’s a little bit crazy, which makes him treacherous,” Shay said. “Hunter does need to be careful.”

  “I’ll keep trying to make him see reason. Maybe I will get through to him,” Yasmin said doubtfully.

  “Well, I see things have changed between you.” Shay smiled slyly.

  “A little.” Yasmin smiled.

  “I would say a lot has changed,” Renee observed.

  Yasmin giggled.

  “Alright. Yes, we are a couple now. But don’t go getting any wild ideas. We’re taking it slow, even if he doesn’t know that yet,” Yasmin said.

  “I think he is willing to go at whatever pace you set. I can see it in those gorgeous green eyes of his that he adores you,” Shay said.

  “And you think he’s pretty special as well. It’s written all over your face,” Renee said sagely.

  “You’re right. I do. But I won’t rush anything this time. I’m taking it one day at a time. A cliché I know, but true all the same,” Yasmin said.

  “I think it’s wonderful,” Shay announced.

  “Me too.” Yasmin laughed.

  The girls giggled and continued to chat until Renee and Shay took their leave. Yasmin shut the front door and leaned against it. She sighed as she wondered how she would convince Hunter to take Ryan more seriously. It was going to be a long evening.

  Chapter 3

  Ryan strode up his walkway to his front door. He noticed a piece of paper taped to the door and snatched it off. He quickly read it and howled in anger. Pedestrians walking past his house looked at him in perplexity and curiosity. Ryan scowled at them then unlocked the door and slammed it behind him. He scrunched the eviction notice into a ball and threw it across the room.

  “Damn her! And that man she’s screwing. He has his coming,” he snapped.

  Ryan looked at the clock on the mantel. In a few more hours he would meet with his old crew and they would set their plan into motion. Ryan smiled slyly when he thought about what was to come for Hunter Treveign. It would be so unexpected that he wouldn’t know what had hit him. It will be a hard lesson, but one that he wouldn’t soon forget. Yasmin would be the last woman that he stole from another man.


  Hunter looked over at Yasmin to see her sleeping soundly. It was still early and the sun was just now peeking over the horizon, but he had been wakened by the blood pounding in his cock. He needed Yasmin and he had no intention of foregoing the taste of her delicious pussy. Geez! How he loved eating her damp, hot sanctuary. It was like nothing he had ever tasted before, which was really odd for he’d had his fair share of women. But there was something different about Yasmin. It had taken every bit of restraint he had to abide by her wishes. That in and of itself was highly unusual. It had never been a hardship for him to hold back if a woman did not want to indulge. Maybe because there had never been a woman who didn’t want to have sex with him. He grimaced. That sounded extremely conceited but it was fact. Yasmin had been the first woman to put him on hold and he had to admit that he admired her for it. She’d been unsure and had taken her time. He couldn’t condemn her for that. He felt a pang as his penis continued to enlarge. He had to get inside of her and feel her slick cavity close around him. He turned onto his side and spooned with her. He slipped his hand over her mound and began to tease her curls. She moved against his hands but did not waken. He then moved his hand further down into her pussy and fingered her clitoris. That woke her up.


  “Good morning, sweetheart. I want you,” she murmured.

  Yasmin turned onto her back.

  “Then take me,” she whispered.

  Hunter wasted no time in covering her mouth with his own. He continued to finger her as his tongue plundered her mouth. Yasmin widened her legs as she twisted and writhed beneath him. She pressed his han
d into her haven and lifted her hips. She wanted more and only he could give it to her. Hunter knew what she needed and he ran his tongue down the length of her body. His mouth stopped just above her pussy and he looked up at her.

  “Hunter, please!”

  “Please what?” he asked innocently.

  “Damn you! You know what I want,” she panted.

  “You really must articulate your wishes. How else will I know what you want?” he teased.

  Yasmin punched his shoulder as hard as she could. But it didn’t make the least bit of an impression.

  “Your tongue. I want your tongue in my pussy,” she rasped.

  “Whatever you want, darling,” he murmured.

  He dipped his head and laved her wet sanctity. He tugged and teased her clitoris until she screamed in pleasure. Her screams only heightened his own desire and he could feel his climax mounting. He moved above her and entered her swiftly. She cried out in delight, then began to finger his testicles. He groaned in pleasure and increased the pace of his thrusts. Yasmin wrapped her legs about him as she felt herself coming. He seemed to pump into her faster and faster until they finally met in climax. It was thrilling and euphoric as they exploded into space together. Yasmin realized that words would never describe the amazement of their union. So she just savored the moment and held onto it for as long as she could. Hunter moved to roll off of her but she held him in place.

  “Don’t leave me,” he murmured.

  “I’m too heavy, baby.”

  She shook her head.

  “No. I like to feel your weight on me,” she whispered.

  He stayed atop of her for a few more minutes, then moved to her side. She snuggled with him and closed her eyes peacefully. She didn’t want to sleep, but just to be with him. Hunter held her tightly and kissed the top of her head. He gloried in what they had just experienced and wanted to hold onto to it as well. They were silent for several minutes. Then Yasmin spoke.


  “Hmm,” he responded.

  “Have you given any more thought to what we spoke about last night?” she asked gently.

  “You mean Ryan?”

  “Yes,” she answered.

  “I’ve tried not to think of him at all,” he muttered.

  “Hunter, please take this situation more seriously. I’m so afraid that something awful will happen to you,” she said anxiously.

  “Honey, nothing is going to happen to me. I am—

  “But you don’t know Ryan. He’s so vengeful,” she objected.

  He tightened his hold on her.

  “I promise I will be careful. But don’t worry. I’ll be fine. Ryan cannot hurt me,” he said.

  Yasmin was not as confident as Hunter. She had a bad feeling and she couldn’t shake it. Something horrible was going to happen.


  Yasmin wandered through the art store selecting painting supplies that she needed. It felt good to finally be able to devote all of her attention to her art. She was giddy with the idea of sitting on a knoll in France and painting the lovely landscape before her. She carried a hand basket on her arm and had stopped to read the label on an acrylic blue paint when she felt a presence beside her. She looked up and gasped.

  “Ryan! What are you doing here?” she cried breathlessly. She stepped away from him.

  “I wanted to speak with you without your shadow at your side,” he replied scathingly.

  Yasmin and Hunter had been spending a lot time together, shopping, dining out, going to the movies, and apparently, Ryan had been watching. The thought of Ryan spying on them gave her the creeps and she moved farther away from him.

  “Afraid of me, Yasmin?” he sneered as he stepped closer to her. “You shouldn’t be. You know me as well as you know yourself.”

  “I don’t think I know you at all, Ryan,” she replied. She looked at his disheveled appearance and the hard look in his eyes. “You’ve changed, Ryan. You’re not the same man that I once loved.”

  “You’re saying you don’t love me anymore. You can’t be in love with somebody one minute then fall out of love with them the next. Feelings don’t work that way, Yas,” he responded. “You still love me and you know it.”

  Yasmin backed away as she shook her head.

  “No, Ryan. The love I had for you is gone, just like the man I once knew. There is nothing left for us,” she said quietly.

  A store attendant passed the aisle that Yasmin and Ryan were standing in and noticed the strain on Yasmin’s face. He moved down the aisle.

  “May I help you, Miss?” he asked.

  Yasmin took advantage of the opportunity to leave Ryan.

  “Yes. I would like some sketch pads, but I can’t reach the large ones,” Yasmin said quickly.

  “I will get them for you. How many do you want?” he asked amicably.

  Yasmin and the attendant moved away, leaving Ryan to stare menacingly after them. Yasmin purchased her items and arranged for the store to send them over to Hunter’s house. Yasmin left the store and looked around her anxiously. She did not see Ryan anywhere around but that did not ease her ragged nerves. She didn’t trust Ryan and wanted to get as far away from him as possible. She hurried to her car and sped home. Yasmin rushed into the house from the garage and saw Hunter as he was coming from his office. He took one look at Yasmin and knew something was wrong. He hurried to her side and grasped her shoulders.

  “What’s wrong, Yas?” he asked in concern.

  Yasmin explained what had happened and Hunter bristled.

  “He’s been watching us? What kind of sick lunatic goes around spying on people? Did he hurt you?” Hunter demanded.

  “No. He didn’t touch me. But the whole encounter unnerved me. I just wanted to run from him,” Yasmin said in despair.

  “I’m sorry that happened, Yas. If I could have protected you from it I would have. It’s obvious that Ryan is unstable and unpredictable. I should have taken your concerns more seriously and I’m truly sorry that I did not. He frightened you and for that I could easily strangle him,” he said fiercely. Hunter enveloped her in his strong arms and held her tightly. He caressed her back to soothe and comfort her and led her back into his office where they sat on the brown leather couch.

  “What are you going to do?” Yasmin asked fearfully.

  “Me? Sweetheart, I really can take care of myself. I know I was dismissive about Ryan when you first voiced your concerns and that was a mistake. But I’m on my guard now and he won’t catch me unaware,” he said. “He’d be a fool to come after me and I don’t think he is stupid.”

  “You didn’t see the hatred in his eyes. He wants to hurt you, I can sense it,” Yasmin exclaimed.

  “But he won’t. I promise. Let me get you some hot cider. I’ll be right back,” he said.

  Hunter left the room and Yasmin sat tensely with her arms folded over her chest. She knew that Ryan wouldn’t stop until he had exacted his sick revenge. And that scared the life out of her.


  Hunter received a call that necessitated him going into the office. Yasmin wasn’t happy about him leaving, but she couldn’t stop him from going.

  “I won’t live my life in fear, Yas. I will not give Ryan that kind of power over me,” he said firmly. “I’ll be back soon.”

  He left the house and Yasmin paced the living room like a caged lion. She couldn’t stop worrying and the more she worried the more frightened she became. It was a relief when the doorbell rang. She moved to the door and looked through the peephole. Thank God! She hurriedly opened the door.

  “Renee! I’m so glad to see you,” Yasmin exclaimed.

  Renee entered the house and hugged Yasmin.

  “I felt you could use a friend right about now. Don’t ask me why. Probably girlfriend intuition.” Renee smiled.

  “Your intuition is right on the money. Let me have your coat then I’ll make us some hot cider,” Yasmin said.

  Renee gave Yasmin her coat and watched as she hu
ng it in the closet. Then they went into the kitchen where Renee sat on an island stool while Yasmin prepared the cider.

  “This Ryan thing has really gotten to you, hasn’t it?” Renee asked. “You’re wound as tight as a bow.”

  “I can’t help it, Renee. I have this feeling that something awful is going to happen and I can’t shake it,” Yasmin moaned.

  Yasmin told Renee about her encounter with Ryan at the art supply store.

  “He’s been so cruel to me yet he wants me to come back to him. What type of logic is that?” Yasmin said incredibly.

  “He’s not rational, Yas. Ryan has lost all objectivity and reason. I doubt that he’s working with a full deck these days,” Renee answered. “I’m just glad that he did not harm you. How did Hunter take it when you told him?”

  “Not well although he didn’t storm out of here to find Ryan. But he was far from happy. In a way I’m glad that he was called to the office. It keeps him away from Ryan,” Yas said.

  “Hunter will not do anything rash. He’s calm and methodical. He’s not one to fly off the handle,” Renee reasoned.

  “I’m not so sure he won’t retaliate when pushed too far,” Yasmin responded. “He was so furious with Ryan.”

  “Well, you’ll just have to stick to him like Crazy Glue,” Renee smiled.

  “Easier said than done,” Yasmin remarked dryly.

  Yasmin was pouring the hot cider when her cell phone rang. She put the pot down and pulled the phone from her back pocket. She looked at the view panel and quickly answered.

  “Hunter! What’s up?” Yasmin greeted.

  “Baby, I’m on my way to the Market Street warehouse. There’s been a break-in,” Hunter said.

  “Market Street. Isn’t that where you’re housing the computers for the inner city kids?” Yasmin asked in concern.

  “Yes,” he answered curtly.

  “Oh my God! Were all of the laptops stolen?” Yasmin asked in shock.

  “I don’t know. I need to get over there to assess the situation. But I’m not feeling the burglars left anything. Those computers are too valuable to leave any behind,” he said.